Without destruction, there is no creation.
Without death, there is no life.
Without decay, there cannot be rebirth.
All things based on carbon, all life, at some point lose form, die, decay and return to earth.
Leaves become humus, home to earthworms and sow bugs. Mushrooms invade your compost heap, spinning their ever-exploring threads. Maggots and flies and ants gorge on animal life, the parts that haven’t already been consumed by predators and crows.
All things decay, even unstable atoms.
Every day, we are closer to our own decay. But it’s not something we think about much, nor should we. Instead we are about drawing lilacs out of the dead land, bringing up vegetables in our gardens, tending our children, feeding our goats. Helping to reverse the process of decay. It’s about life.
Return to nature
Life leads to death Death begets life— A snake chasing its tail, A mole dead in its burrow. Wipe your face now, come out And walk on the grass— Soil and leaf mold and earthworms, Dead keys to new life unfolding.
How can we picture decay, write about it without triteness? Is there a way to draw it?
Click here to read Rigid, the previous creative prompt.
Read more from Fran at Becoming….
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Oooo, this is a yeasty one, if you pardon the expression. Here's my 50-word story about decay.
The dead snake coiled beautifully into the bottom of the basket, displaying its intricate designs and colors. The basket enhanced this with its own muted tones and textures. She admired her creative use of Nature's gift found on the desert trail. Within days, though, it rotted into a stinky mess.
Fran, I just added a 50-word story to my comment. We crossed comments in the email.