How Can You Be Free When You’re a Passenger of the Past?
"Ignoring time, in spite of it. The touch of love between satin sheets..."
How Can You Be Free When You’re A Passenger Of The Past?
opening a door seeing the stars tasting wine for the first time a pastel moon shredding the clouds the cry of cicadas on mid-summer’s eve a dog showing up on your doorstep a slow boat to a Greek isle a good book on a rainy day ignoring time in spite of it the touch of love between satin sheets being free of the past nothing left to lose.
Stream and purchase this song and more of Ned’s music on Bandcamp.
Ned Mudd resides in Alabama where he engages in interspecies communication, rock collecting, and frequent cloud watching. He is the author of The Adventures of Dink and DVD (a space age comedy). Some of Ned’s best friends are raccoons.
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oh this was entirely beautiful, Ned. The music. especially the piano, had a feel of Bill Evan's Peace Piece. the poem touched the same note, and your painting, too. Lovely accompaniment to my morning tea. Thank you.
Gracias; glad you enjoyed the piece. While any comparison to Bill Evans is undeserved, it's much appreciated.