I love your descriptions of the children finding their own way to play, to guide their own educations. It's a challenge for any teacher, professional or homeschool, to find that sweet spot of compromise between sitting down to the rote drills of multiplication tables and the free-spirited exploration of one's environment and talents. Thank you.

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this is so beautiful, damon. layers upon layers in this piece. the changing seasons are so stark in your world of the far north. your description of light returning and the small things that are noticed and their impact on emotions and life reminded me of a sentence from a book that I wrote down as I wanted to remember it. sadly I did not write down the name of the book or author so I cant say who wrote it, "How does anyone get over anything in places where the weather doesn't change?" having lived in both types of places, I can say I appreciate the differences. I think I would feel as your young student, I'd go with winter.

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Evocative, hopeful & beautiful.

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