Your experience with your Dad, the phone calls you never made for various reasons, resinated with me deeply, but oddly, it's an experience I yet to have. I guess the grief I've suffered is missing out on potential, which comes from losing a lover. That promise of a future suddenly lost is devastating, especially when they're still alive and present somewhere in one's sphere, sharing that potential with someone else. It's like death too in a way, but you're the one who's dead, hanging around like an unwelcome ghost.

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Beautifully stated, Sue.

There are so many degrees of deaths that we experience in our lives. I think about the Death card in tarot and how it so often portends a change; sometimes for the better, sometimes not.

I am familiar with being that unwanted ghost. It's such an awkward role to be in, and yet it can be so difficult to let go and find a place where we are appreciated fully and corporeally.

I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving with many who appreciate all your goodness.

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Thank you, Matt, and have a safe and happy Thanksgiving too.

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Sing and don't stop singing.

I find myself needing the comfort of my own words this morning at the news that a dear sweet cousin died unexpectedly yesterday.

This life is such a brief gift, and I hope as we move into this week of thanksgiving that we all hold those we love just a little bit closer in our hearts.

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These are such beautiful, compassionate & thought-provoking pieces, helping me conjure up my own memories of friends & family of blessed memory. Thank you! ✌🏼❤️

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I find myself coming across two kind of people...those that know what's going on and those that haven't yet faced what's going on but hopefully will..and I have found patience with those that haven't seen the horizon...

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Except I am impatient with those who won't face the truth, but do wish someday I will find what you have. Thank you.

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"...as I have aged, grief has become less of a feeling to overcome and more of a reminder that I am here, and I have been lucky enough to be loved in this lifetime."

This hit hard. Thanks for the reminder.

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Thank you, Liza.

I've been really enjoying your avian insights.

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Wow! My kindred spirit who I am connected to in ways deeper than I even realized, thank you for the depth of your words and the love of your heart.

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We have been journeying down parallel paths for quite some time. I feel so lucky to know you in this lifetime and especially to call you friend, Kate.

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lovely Matt. thank you

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