(listen) "beyond the world’s widening eye, is the grooved pit of it all..."
congrats on the book of the year!
Thanks so much!
It was an unexpected and lovely surprise to be recognized by the Alabama State Poetry Society.
Another killer poem, amigo! You're batting a thousand.
Thank you, my friend and fellow Kevorkian.
Did you see there's a Sun Ra send-off at East Village on May 29th?
I'm planning to be there to jam and read The King of Cats.
Read this in your book just yesterday. Phenomenal! Love where it ends up!
Thank you so very kindly, Larry.
I appreciate your support.
Wonderful! Puts me in mind of William Carlos Williams somehow. So vibrant.
I love how simple and elegant that William Carlos Williams' poem is!
Thank you so much, Ellen!
congrats on the book of the year!
Thanks so much!
It was an unexpected and lovely surprise to be recognized by the Alabama State Poetry Society.
Another killer poem, amigo! You're batting a thousand.
Thank you, my friend and fellow Kevorkian.
Did you see there's a Sun Ra send-off at East Village on May 29th?
I'm planning to be there to jam and read The King of Cats.
Read this in your book just yesterday. Phenomenal! Love where it ends up!
Thank you so very kindly, Larry.
I appreciate your support.
Wonderful! Puts me in mind of William Carlos Williams somehow. So vibrant.
I love how simple and elegant that William Carlos Williams' poem is!
Thank you so much, Ellen!