That ebb and flow of inspiration and the skill needed to portray it is a constant frustration for me. As you have done, changing environments shakes up the sediment while not muddyingthe stream of knowledge gained. At present, I struggle to write cogent sentences, much less brilliant ones. Words flutter around me like bushtits at the feeder. Thoughts spin around from one activity or errand or chore, making my mind a swirl. Maybe I should be the one to sit for hours until everything settles into place. HA! Today I did one of those geometric puzzles and I'll be damned. It came together without looking at the charts. Hmmmm.......
A bushtit is a tiny gray bird that runs in herds. It's so tiny it can get inside the feeder cage to eat the peanut butter seed cake. Another similar bird is the titmouse, even smaller and grayer, with a little crest or point on top of its head. Wish I knew how to post pictures here. Maybe I'll post is on Tonya's FB page.
oh thanks so much, Paul. I have always been someone who embraces change. but, that someone is also older now. I dont quite bounce back as easily and looking ahead the horizon is much closer these days! but, I agree that shaking things up is a good thing at any age!
I get it. And thanks for saying it so well. I lost my moorings when Dave died. Now my creativity is bound up in the logistics of a cross country move that Is making me crazy at the thought! I am excited to go "home" and find a new home that will accommodate my creative spirit even if that spirit has been repressed for a long time. Clearing 41 yrs of stuff, I am packing things before putting the property for sale because when it sells, I must be ready to go quickly. I have no doubt you will soon regale us with some more moody lovely landscapes. Enjoy your new studio.
oh I am so sorry for your loss. your creative spirit will find its way back in new and exciting ways no doubt! thank you for your very generous comment, Kay. good luck on your move.
This is wonderful, Tabby...a clear, honest internal share that feels relatable in that I am VERY disinclined to move for many of the reasons you outline. Brave piece. & what a beautiful library!
oh thank you Ellen, but don't totally reject a move. I still believe change is good, and shaking things up every now and then can bring a time of growth. at least I hope so!
oh thank you so very much for your comment, James. It's not always easy to find the path that is right there in front of us. but if we are patient and open to possibilities we somehow find our way in the darkness.
That ebb and flow of inspiration and the skill needed to portray it is a constant frustration for me. As you have done, changing environments shakes up the sediment while not muddyingthe stream of knowledge gained. At present, I struggle to write cogent sentences, much less brilliant ones. Words flutter around me like bushtits at the feeder. Thoughts spin around from one activity or errand or chore, making my mind a swirl. Maybe I should be the one to sit for hours until everything settles into place. HA! Today I did one of those geometric puzzles and I'll be damned. It came together without looking at the charts. Hmmmm.......
oh this made me laugh! I dont even know what the heck a bushtit is but now I know it flutters!
A bushtit is a tiny gray bird that runs in herds. It's so tiny it can get inside the feeder cage to eat the peanut butter seed cake. Another similar bird is the titmouse, even smaller and grayer, with a little crest or point on top of its head. Wish I knew how to post pictures here. Maybe I'll post is on Tonya's FB page.
I'm so glad I saw this comment! I was really wondering about the sudden birds on my FB feed.
hungry times in the avian world. We're getting birds here we've NEVER seen before as well as birds we've not seen in flocks, like robins.
Thanks, Tabby. I love this piece and it's personally timely, as well. Shaking things up can be scary, difficult, filled with fear and also great.
oh thanks so much, Paul. I have always been someone who embraces change. but, that someone is also older now. I dont quite bounce back as easily and looking ahead the horizon is much closer these days! but, I agree that shaking things up is a good thing at any age!
A lot of honesty and vulnerability in this essay. That in itself is not easy. Well done, Tabby Ivy. Paint your stories.
I so value your opinion, damon, it means a lot my friend. and yes, this experience will find itself effecting future work no doubt.
I get it. And thanks for saying it so well. I lost my moorings when Dave died. Now my creativity is bound up in the logistics of a cross country move that Is making me crazy at the thought! I am excited to go "home" and find a new home that will accommodate my creative spirit even if that spirit has been repressed for a long time. Clearing 41 yrs of stuff, I am packing things before putting the property for sale because when it sells, I must be ready to go quickly. I have no doubt you will soon regale us with some more moody lovely landscapes. Enjoy your new studio.
oh I am so sorry for your loss. your creative spirit will find its way back in new and exciting ways no doubt! thank you for your very generous comment, Kay. good luck on your move.
This is wonderful, Tabby...a clear, honest internal share that feels relatable in that I am VERY disinclined to move for many of the reasons you outline. Brave piece. & what a beautiful library!
oh thank you Ellen, but don't totally reject a move. I still believe change is good, and shaking things up every now and then can bring a time of growth. at least I hope so!
I'm glad that you had the ability and wherewithal to follow your heart.
oh thank you so very much for your comment, James. It's not always easy to find the path that is right there in front of us. but if we are patient and open to possibilities we somehow find our way in the darkness.