oh the worlds you make! I like Eleanor. I want to get to know her.

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There will be more, I hope.

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Thanks for this, Damon. So evocative.

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Thank you, Paul. Sometimes it's about how little we can say to put us in a good place.

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If you'll allow me a moment of being a bit of a pedant, I won't talk about your work (though I loved it) but just that I'm very happy to have the Yeats included here. I used to teach it in classes, comparing it to the Ronsard poem that inspires it. I've found some people think Yeats is translating it, when in fact he changes the ending profoundly, and I think beautifully, turning it away from being a Seduction poem.

Okay, so maybe I will talk about the work. I think maybe secretly this is a Seduction short story. We are subtly encouraged to fall in love with her.

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I think you might be correct, sir.

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