Welcome to Juke!
Juke is a sandbox masquerading as an arts journal. It’s an experimental outlet for myself, Tonya Morton (hi!), and for a few friends whose work I’ve always admired and enjoyed. We started as a group of four: me, Damon Falke, Ned Mudd and Paul Vlachos. But we’re steadily adding new voices—Tabby Ivy, Wes Kline, and Anthony Head, to name a few from the last couple months.
As a group we are writers, photographers, artists and musicians. We use Juke as a platform to dabble in all those forms, and we’re planning to keep branching out. In short, we’re going to play around and create things, which is considerably more fun with a community of readers to give us feedback.
Why subscribe?
Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. We’re planning to maintain a bi-weekly posting schedule, so you will have the pleasure of our company often enough to (hopefully) enjoy what you read, but not so often that you’ll get sick of us.
Stay up-to-date
Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. Paid subscribers will get more direct access to our writers, and will see special previews and special member-only posts. Free subscribers will still be able to see most of our work and be a part of the conversation.
Join the Juke
I am always looking for new contributors and collaborators—poets, essayists, artists, musicians… basically, I could see Juke hosting any and every possible form of creative expression. The work does need to “fit” the vibe of the page (an impossible thing to describe) and it always helps if you can bring something new to the mix. But if you read Juke and you would like to join us (or if you have your own newsletter and think our readers might like your page too) please send me an email at tonyajuke@gmail.com. I’m happy to provide cross-posting opportunities and to help promote work that I enjoy, and I would love to let our readers know about your new book, your upcoming exhibit, your latest album, etc.
And, even if you don’t want to submit work, I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas for Juke. The more input, the better. You can always drop me a note at tonyajuke@gmail.com.
Thanks again for finding us. I hope you enjoy what you read.
—Tonya Morton